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The first solo album of former LSD lead singer Sangit is as much a
pop/rock as well as a singer/songwriter product.

The music can and should be played by every music radio station
in the world.

The strengths of the album lie in both the
songwriting and the extraordinary voice of the artist.
Sangit sings, shouts and whispers. He confesses secrets
and tells of light and shadow and how you need it all.
He tells of love and why we somestimes don’t find it.

The styles of the thirteen songs are in the field of classical pop-rock,
independent-shamanic and even blues.
With more solid guitar work and fewer meditative elements and
keyboards than in the days of LSD, the new sound is more compact
and direct with radio-friendly hooklines every future mother-in-law will

The connecting element is always the voice and the use of guitars
which are rather unobtrusive and not really
‘heroic’, they always support the songs and create a beautiful
framework of woven single notes.
Originally Sangit is a bass player and especially gifted on the
fretless instrument.

Thus the connection between rhythm and melody adds to the strong
harmonious content of the album.
He played and recorded all the instruments on the CD himself in his
modest home studio.